Suzanne Wilcox
Healing Arts Facilitator
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What is Reiki?
A: Reiki is high frequency energy that breaks up low frequency energy for the purpose of healing.
Q: How often do clients schedule sessions for Reiki or Emotional Release Processing?
A: Everybody is different. Some clients come once a week or every two weeks or once a month. Others take long breaks between sessions or come only once. There is no pressure to commit to a schedule or a package of sessions. I trust people to know when they are ready for a session.
Q: Is it easy to schedule a session?
A: Yes. I see clients mornings, afternoons, and evenings. I can be available weekends when necessary.
Q: How do people schedule a session?
A: Call or text me and I will respond within 24 hours.
Q: How do clients pay?
A: I take cash, check, Venmo, Paypal, and bartering. Ask me about my discounts and sliding-scale fee schedule.
Q: Does Reiki have side-effects?
A: Possibly. Everybody experiences Reiki differently and one session may be different than the next. Often, clients experience peace, restfulness, and calm after a session. However, if a client is releasing toxins as a result of a session they may experience headache, fatigue, or other symptoms of toxin release. It's helpful to provide nurturing self-care after a treatment and trust the healing process.
Q: I feel nervous about doing an emotional release process. Will it be scary?
A: When you are in an emotional release process you are in a safe, protected space. You are fully conscious and in charge of the process at all times and we don't go anywhere that you don't feel ready to go. When feelings come up that are intense or uncomfortable, I help you find a way to release those feelings so that you don't have to feel them any more.
Q: How does emotional release processing work?
A: As you open your heart space and get thoughts, feelings, or emotions that come to the surface, we release what is ready to be released and replace it with positive traits. For example, a client may release anger and replace it with acceptance. As humans, our imagination is so powerful that when we have a conversation or experience in our imagination (through role play or guided imagery) it is as healing as if the conversation happened in real life. In this way it is possible to heal old traumas without ever having a "real" conversation with people who caused harm.
Q: Is Reiki a cure for illness and pain?
A: I do not have a medical background and do not have credentials to diagnose or treat illness. Clients should consult a doctor regarding anything requiring medical treatment.
Q: Why do people get Reiki treatments?
A: Studies show that Reiki may enhance the body's ability to heal. More and more hospitals and clinics are offering Reiki before and after surgery to facilitate faster recovery. People report that after Reiki treatments they experience a greater sense of wellness and wellbeing in their mind/body/spirit.
Q: Where does the Phoenix Game come from?
A: It was created in 2011 by French philosopher, Vincent Cespedes.
Q: What is the purpose of the Phoenix Game and who can play?
A: The purpose of the Phoenix Game is to promote meaningful conversation, self reflection, and expanded perception. Any one, from any walk of life, at any age, can play.
Q: Is the Phoenix Game based on tarot?
A: No. It is a game steeped in philosophy, not tarot.
Q: Does the Phoenix Game conflict with religion?
A: No. The Phoenix Game is designed to transcend religion, culture, language, age, and politics. It contains all of the traits of the human experience. It is not based on any religion or spiritual tradition .